Unlocking Parental Wisdom potential therapists : Exploring the Transformative Power of Counseling Therapy for Parents

Counseling is a professional relationship between a therapist who is a counseling psychologist and the parent of a child with special needs. And this relationship will enable the freedom of the parent to handle her child’s emotions and feelings and her children in a better way.

Now why is counseling important for parents as well as children? For parents, it is important because parenting is not easy. Parenting is a very challenging task. Counseling will help you to understand what are the appropriate parenting styles that you should adapt.
Different types of parenting styles:

Let us understand the different types of parenting styles and what the outcomes of each of these parenting styles are that we see amongst children. There are four different parenting styles:

  • Authoritarian

    It is marked by a very high level of control exercised by the parents on the one hand and a very cold or a low responsiveness of the parents towards the child`s needs.
    These are the parents who have very strict rules in the house and who often use threats and punishment in order to raise their children. These are the parents who can be overprotective parents, and they can also be using more of verbal abuse, physical abuse, and emotional abuse in order to raise their children.

  • Authoritarian(preferred)

    This is a good mix between a good level of control and a very good level of responsiveness towards the child’s needs. So, these are the parents who have very clear rules in the house. They also follow positive disciplining methods.
    These are the parents who are open to listening to the child’s arguments; they explain the logic behind why the children need to do what they need to do, and at the same time, they are very firm and clear about what is allowed and not allowed. These are parents who do not resort to physical abuse or violence in discipling their children, but they involve the children with good connection and communication in order to coach them and guide them regarding habits, disciplines, values, etc.
    These are the parents who allow the children the freedom of expression. The children are allowed to express a different point of view. These parents focus on the child’s needs; they focus on connection, and they focus on two-way dialogue and communication. This is the best parenting style.

  • Permissive

    This is where there is very high responsiveness towards the child`s needs and very low control over the child. This is the complete polar opposite of authoritarian, and here the parents are extremely permissive and liberal towards their children. These are families where the children have all the say in what the parent should eat, where they should go out on family holidays, or even what car they should buy.

  • These are the parents;

    you can call them very lenient parents. These are the parents who want to be friends with their children. So, they are extremely friendly; they are giving in to the child’s every demand, and they are extremely permissive; the children are allowed to do whatever they want with absolutely no control and no discipline.

  • Uninvolved(Negligent)

    It is marked by very low responsiveness towards the child’s needs and very little control. So, there is no control, and there is no involvement in the child’s life. These are the parents who are extremely detached from the children and extremely involved in other things where they have very little involvement in the child’s daily life or the child’s problems.

Such parents are generally emotionally very distant from their children. So they may be either stressed out with their own marital issues or their own careers, and they give full freedom to their child to do what they want, but at the same time they are not there to guide or to coach the child or to define boundaries or to even understand the child’s emotional needs.


Once you have found a few potential therapists, I suggest Pehchan Clinic therapy. These therapists always help you and solve your problems.

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