UNIT-2(Universal Non-Verbal Intelligence Test 2nd Edition)
UNIT-2 (Universal Non-Verbal Intelligence Test 2nd Edition)
The UNIT-2 (Universal Non-Verbal Intelligence Test, 2nd Edition) is a normalised intelligence test that can be used to assess the intelligible abilities of people who have speech, language, or hearing loss, different cultural or language backgrounds, or who are unable to communicate verbally. It is used by psychologists, educators, and other professionals to assess the intelligible abilities of children and adults of all ages.
Pehchan Clinic provides many services for children with developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disabilities. Pehchaan clinic offers the UNIT-2 assessment for children and adults of all ages by trained and experienced psychologists. The assessment typically takes between 45 and 60 minutes to complete. After the assessment, the psychologist will provide the individual or their parents with a comprehensive report of the results, including the person’s strengths and weaknesses. Here are six UNIT-2 subsets:
- Symbolic Memory: This subtest assesses the individual’s ability to remember and reproduce a series of visual symbols.
- Non-symbolic Quantity: This subtest assesses the individual’s ability to understand and manipulate numerical concepts.
- Analogic Reasoning: This subtest assesses the individual’s ability to recognize and apply analogies.
- Spatial Memory: This subtest assesses the individual’s ability to remember and reproduce spatial relationships.
- Numerical Series: This subtest assesses the individual’s ability to identify and complete numerical patterns.
- Cube Design: This subtest assesses the individual’s ability to analyze and reproduce visual designs.
The Pehchaan clinic staff will be able to answer any questions you have about the UNIT-2 assessment and the process for scheduling an appointment.The clinic is staffed by experienced and qualified professionals who are knowledgeable about the UNIT-2 assessment and child development.The clinic uses a standardised assessment to ensure that the results are reliable and accurate.The clinic staff can work with parents, teachers, and individuals to develop educational plans and strategies to support the person’s learning and development.